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Bread Pandas

FTC 21980

REV-olutionizing the field of STEM in our youth

Bread panda logo.png

Our Drivers, Donaven and Travis, showing gracious professionalism at SoCal Regionals!

Our Process


We have regular meetings to brainstorm our robot design


Our Design Team CADs (3D models) the robot before building


We do regular test runs of the robot to ensure max effeciency


We volunteer and reach out to our community regularly.

Our Coder Adam volunteering at Beach Blitz FLL Competition!

Breaking Barriers to STEM

Bread Pandas is a first-year High School FTC Robotics team from Fountain Valley, California. We compete in the FIRST© Tech Challenge, a youth-based National Robotics Competition. To spread the joy of STEM, we participate in regular outreach events, volunteering, educational workshops, and more!

And as always, we follow our 3 core values: break [barriers], bridge, build

Our Mission

 As one of the first FTC Robotics teams at our High School, our number one goal is this: change.


We do everything in our power to build a foundation necessary to give everyone of all backgrounds the opportunity to experience STEM. We pride ourselves on exploring new challenges that break old patterns and begin new ones, both technical and social. 

Our Team during Interleague Qualifiers


FIRST is a nonprofit STEM program that inspires our youth to engage in the exciting world of STEM and technology. Students engage in hand-on-learning activities following FIRST core values and find mentorship from the science community. We develop skills in teamwork, problem-solving,  communication, overcoming challenges, and becoming student leaders. 


Discover more on the FIRST website

Watch Our Power Play High Score

How You Can Make an Impact

 There are many ways you can help our team (and all are greatly appreciated!). Since parts for robotics require a lot of money, the main way to support our team is by donating money.

If you would like to show your support (and receive one of the perks of the sponsorship tiers)you can donate below!

Contact Us

Any Questions about our Team, Robotics, Sponsors, Outreach, or anything at all? Ask Here!

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